You forgot to add the Key Ability. And since "Trained Only" and "Armor Check Penalty" are also missing, they don't apply? Trained probably does, though.

Autostasis: If you are dying, you may make an Autohypnosis check (DC 10 plus your character level) as a standard action to slow your body’s functions and buy yourself some time, even though you normally cannot take actions. You only lose one Resolve every other round for one minute after making this check (you still stop losing Resolve if you are stabilized, as normal). You may not attempt this check again until you have regained consciousness.
Your hit points usually reach 0 outside of your turn, so I’m guessing you can only use autostasis after you start dying and when it reaches your turn? It that’s the case, the text could be changed to state it more clearly. If it can be used outside your turn, it should be changed to a reaction instead - and it kinda matches the theme of this use of the skill, immediately try to fight off death instead of waiting for 5 or 10 other people to act first.

Losing resolve “every other round” means you start losing it on the second round, the very next after you use the skill successfully? I heard that expression before, but never looked into its exact definition before.

If you are stabilized, but start losing resolve points again, does the autostasis 10 round limit restart where you left, did it keep ticking while stabilized, or you lost it?

Change Display: As you are manifesting any psionic power, you may make an Autohypnosis check as a part of the action used to manifest the power (DC 10 + the number of PP spent on that power). Success means that you significantly alter how your display manifests, increasing the difficulty of any skill check to identify you by observing the display by 5.
I couldn’t find an equivalent of this effect for the technomancer or mystic. If this is an exclusive for the Psionics Guide, how about expanding the skill to also benefit spell casting? Balance things out between the psionic classes and the regular magic users. This is actually the only psionic-exclusive aspect of the skill.

If you know the display of another manifester, you can attempt to imitate that display instead. The difficulty of this check is 10 + their manifester level, or your normal DC to change your display, whichever is higher.
But is the manifester level the one you first witnessed, the minimum one required to manifest said power, or the level the manifester is right now? You could be trying to imitate an old enemy… and can you use a lower level to imitate a weaker version of that manifester? Maybe you’re trying to damage his reputation...

Mental Resistance: When you come under the effects of any mind-affecting power or condition, you can spend one point of Resolve and make an Autohypnosis check against the original save DC (10 + caster or item level if it didn’t originally have a save DC) to delay the effect on yourself for one round. It still lasts for its full duration, you only delay the onset. This is a Reaction, which you can take even if you would not be allowed to normally.
Can you keep doing round after round until you run out of resolve? Or is it a one and done effect?

Snapshot: You can recall this at any point in the future as a standard action by making another Autohypnosis check of the same DC, perfectly recreating it in your mind.
What happens if you fail? How often and how soon can you try again? And please add some device in the gear chapter that allows you to download this 3D memory and project it to other people, this is quite a good option to feed VR machines.

Can you take 10 or 20 to take the mental snapshot or recall it?

integrators, psions, and specialists
It was used a bunch of times in the first part, so I actually thought you guys were going old school and naming the main manifester a Psionicist.

Integrators are the collective users? Vitalists are my favorite psionic class, so I'm looking forward to this.