She isn't bothering to answer anymore. Looks like Jade is taking your advice too much to heart. Or maybe its because your throwing Mars at her. Whichever one. She decides that your her enemy based on the fact that your trying to kill her now. Friends don't throws Mars at friends. THINK! What did she have that could work around this!? Having a rule to not destroy planets is kind of difficult when someone is throwing a planet at you. But dang it, this was her ONE RULE, and she was going to uphold that one principle even if she didn't really uphold any others all that consistently. Maybe... she could borrow an ability?
"Rainbow Friend Remembrance: Hailing Kinesis!"
It was questionable to count Hailing as a "friend" but she did have a connection to him based on some understanding and respect of each other and they could've been friends if things were different. So a phantom image of Hailing forms next to her and she imitates his telekinetic movements to stop Mars itself in its tracks. She most certainly did not expect this move to be used this way. She had been expecting to like, use it on Hailing himself to pull out a bunch of attacks from friends she met along the way in a barrage but that never happened.

She then use telekinetic movements to throw Mars back AT them. She really needed her own counter for planets being thrown at her. Definitely develop and master her Instant transmission more so that she can use it to simply dodge something like this. The Hailing phantom fades.