So... how does everybody feel about trying a character poll based on range voting? Instead of being like limited to 10 characters, you'd be able to vote your approval level of every character you have feelings for. I've been thinking about this as a new project for a while, but figured everybody could use a break after the tournaments.

So, the idea grew out of how we did the wildcard blocks: everybody could give one or two votes to as many characters as they wanted in the block. I thought, why not expand the concept to all the characters at one time!

So there would be a blank ballot that's a full list of the comic's characters. And by each name you could put any integer between -1 and 3. -1 means you don't enjoy the character. 0 means you have no strong feelings. 1 means you enjoy them. 2 means you enjoy them a great deal, and 3 means that the character is genuinely one of your favorites in all literature.

I think it would be interesting to compare the results of a poll based on everyone each voter has an opinion about, and not just the top 10.