Quote Originally Posted by Mordar View Post
There's a lot more to it that I don't have time to write right now...but I think this setup (TFA/TLJ) shows a number of points where something terrible could have been stopped before it became too big, too strong, or even too competent. Kylo Ren has huge power and no precision or control. But he has been learning...and the people that could have stopped him have so far failed to do so. He is easy to dislike and dismiss (I did it for most of TFA and the time between then and now), but I can see it working.

Devonix: And that may be why I now am starting to like the character portrayal (not the characters). Perfect as the entitled edgelord with delusions of grandeur...that are becoming less and less delusion.

- M
I will simply say that I don't see that at all. Kylo Ren is honestly the one consistent thing that I disliked in both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi for basically the same reasons. I don't see him learning, or any reason shown to believe he's capable of anything more than we've seen to date. I honestly wish he could have been cast aside with Snoke so that we could have a villain worthy of being the main villain of a film instead - though of course that was never going to happen in the middle of a trilogy. If that doesn't happen after Episode 9, when it actually makes sense for it to happen, the odds of me ever going to see Star Wars films other than the side stories will likely drop substantially.