Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
I can see what Mordar is saying. It could definitely be interesting. I don't think it would redeem the trilogy for me by any stretch, because there is plenty wrong with the trilogy over and above Kylo Ren.

But I did find Kylo intriguing briefly in TFA before he started dwindling into a shadow of his former self scene after scene, until he was left bleeding and broken on the snowy grounds of Starkiller Base.

What I found so enjoyable about the awful prequels was Palpatine manipulating the entire galaxy into granting him an Empire. So I see the merit in the idea of watching how an insufferable ******* like Kylo rose to become the new ruler of the galaxy.

But... everything involved, including the character himself, is not compelling enough for me to care at the moment. I'm certainly not going to watch Episode 9 unless the conditions Zevox mentioned are satisfied.
I understand that if you wanted a mastermind villain Kylo Ren is a great disappointment. To me what they are doing with him is like a better version of Anakin's fall in the Prequels. He's this boy, really even if he's older he still feels like some kid playing in his grandfather's closet. Someone who hates himself so much, and sees his selfhatred reflected in the eyes of others.

It's probably why him seeing Luke standing over him drove him over the edge, If people see him as a monster, then dammit he's gonna be a monster. But he doesn't know how even do that properly. And you have Snoke who's surrounding himself with all of these aimless children, because that's exactly what the first order is. They're children being led by children. They have captured and indoctrinated child soldiers and officers who drank the coolaid being dished out by some David Koresh Style individual.

Because Snoke wasn't a mastermind, he's was a cult leader, its even there in the way the character dresses. Its there in how he doesn't know the technical aspects of his own military. He built this thing through charisma and money. And now that he's gone well... Now the children are actually running the shop without daddy.