Quote Originally Posted by Devonix View Post
Because Snoke wasn't a mastermind, he's was a cult leader, its even there in the way the character dresses. Its there in how he doesn't know the technical aspects of his own military. He built this thing through charisma and money. And now that he's gone well... Now the children are actually running the shop without daddy.
[Citation needed]

Right. And he probably inherited the Starkiller base, under Republics nose.

The thing is this movie is just inconsistent.

Yoda acts like crazy, fake Yoda.
You should not sacrifice yourself to save others - see Finn, except when you should - see Luke, Holdo.
Snoke is cult leader, that amassed an army, money, huge ass star base, several ships, etc.
Luke gives up very easily, even if old Luke wouldn't.
Ships can't lightspeed ram, unless they do, etc.