Quote Originally Posted by Celticbear View Post
House Hunting

Huh, Harold says monosyllabically as he starts to wonder what exactly washing dishes is. Harold hadn't exactly eaten anything during his time with Nimnarath, he couldn't die of hunger and pizza wouldn't deliver to the Dark Tower so Nimnarath just said F**k it, you're immortal, you don't need to eat..

Speaking of washing, Harold hadn't had a bath in about four millennia. He's pretty musty.


Not. I meant to say "I'm not literally eating this conversation". Damned material vocal cords. Always saying things of which the brain orders not to, or like I just gave example to: refusing the order entirely. The Riverman blathers as if he hadn't heard Grace's answer at all.

So, what do you do Grace? Are you a servitor of Civiron, a wanderer, or has your material body passed on leaving you here?

'That was a huge leap in conversation. Hope I didn't offend her' thinks The Riverman.
House Hunting; better bring a pretty big rifle

". . . huh?" Naku replies, head tilting to the side. He didn't exactly give her anything to work with, and she has no idea how to actually respond to any of that.


"Oh that's fine. I figured that's what you meant."

Then she blinks a few times, and shrugs a little bit, almost embarrassed. "I- Uh. I do follow Civvy, yes. And I needed a place to stay. She needed someone to keep an eye on the ducks and make cookies. Not strictly in that order. Sooo here I am. Far as I know I'm not dead yet."

Quote Originally Posted by Felandria View Post
Breakfast Cafe

Fel gives Sniffy a goodbye scritch.

Well, Sniffy, we'll make sure to visit you again soon.

So, Cherie, shall I whisk you away now?
Sniffy kind of does a half wave, and then trots off back into the forest, content that his new friends are going to visit again someday.