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Thread: The Black Shingle Fiasco

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: The Black Shingle Fiasco

    Avita is unslinging her bow and notching an arrow. "There was a Demon. Lanky fellow. Chasing a couple of civvies. Anyone see where it went?" Then fixes the Corporal with a look.

    "Sergeant Ygor's team and auxiliaries. We were sent into Black Shingle yesterday. Had some excitement. Saw some interesting things. Came back to see what was happening to everyone else. Heading back to barracks to drop off the wounded and debrief this young gentleman--" a nod at Brin. "--who has some rather interesting stories."

    She flashes a look around the square. "Best get all your people what can move ready to move,
    Corporal. Sensing we maybe shouldn't be loitering."