Sycarus, Marion, the crossbowmen, and the wounded arrive on the scene. While the others wander around the battlefield, seeing to the wounded as best they can, the gnomish Adept is by your side immediately. "I am afraid my healing power has been exhausted for the day. The talents of the good Mistress..." The hints of a smile flicker across his face. "...Blues Eyes must suffice."

A brief assessment of the party's condition reveals its condition to be better than is, perhaps, to be expected. No one from your detachment has been killed or fatally wounded, though only one of the pikemen is fit to walk. Ygor is out cold. The crossbowmen and non-combatants are unharmed, while Duhlmil and Brin have sustained only superficial injuries. The dwarf watches Sarim with interest, but does not say anything. Brin does much the opposite, avoiding the gnome's gazes, but lingering nearby the four of you, looking like he wants to say something.

Spoiler: OOC
Avita brings up a good point. Sarim is only on his feet because of the increased hit points from Rage. In 3 rounds, he's going to start bleeding out.