You set out for the barracks - after the battle, Sarim is too weak to stand, but Sycarus gets him patched up and Duhlmil enlists the help of Brin to help carry his brother. A battered and beaten band of brothers, you stumble through the streets, all too aware of your vulnerability, should the demons strike. But no such attack comes. For around ten minutes, you travel through the deserted city in silence. The demons have not yet had time to perform their customary looting and burning, and many of the buildings are perfectly intact. If it wasn't for the corpses, you might not even know anything was wrong.

Thankfully, the journey is soon over. The street ahead is blocked by a hastily-assembled barricade of crates, barrels, and a wagon - upon seeing you, the gnomes manning it grab their weapons and leap up, staring at you with suspicion. Corporal Kaila raises her hands above her head, motions for you to do the same, and walks slowly forward. "Hail! I found survivors!" The guards say nothing, keeping a crossbow trained on each one of you, but they allow you to approach. It isn't until the Corporal has shown proper identification - a badge - that they pull aside the wagon and let you in.

The square around the barracks is in a miserable state of affairs. Every bit of room has been filled; tents to house supplies, soldiers, and the wounded. Frightened civilians, huddled together. Officials from every branch of the military, rushing about their business, while the air is filled with screams, shouts, and cries. The barracks itself, where you slept during your brief stay in Senra, is crammed to capacity, a constant flow of people moving in and out, a sizable queue stretching halfway around it. Every street leading out of the rudimentary compound is barricaded in much the same manner, and archers seem to have been stationed in each building bordering it.

Kaila turns to you. "Thanks again for the help, we wouldn't have made it without you." She points to a particularly large tent of faded, blue canvas. Several dozen guardsmen are gathered outside, each trying to fight their way to the front of the line. "That's the quartermaster's tent. Most supplies are too scarce to give out to mercenaries, as I understand it, but I'm sure she'll be willing to make a trade." She points to another tent adjacent to the first, this one greyish-white. "That's where the healers have set up shop. You might want to pay them a visit." She nods to each of you and starts to go, then stops. "Oh. And you should probably see the Lieutenant, I'm sure he'll have a mission for you. Kresh has taken up residence in Captain Parker's office."