Charlie is Lawful Good
- He has an extremely strict code, and everything he does is for the betterment of others. They have shown in numerous episodes that he also has an pretty extreme and extensive daily routine for everything he does. Including the Bar, the Waitress, and Frank. If he wasn't in their lives, then everything would have fallen apart by now.

Dennis is Lawful Evil
- Dennis has also been shown to have strict codes and routine like Charlie, but his motivations are all self serving. Mostly for his vain glory. He does strict planning to ruin people lives for personal gain, and attempts to enforce his disastrous laws upon others.

Mac is Chaotic Good
- Despite being a constant failure, Mac is also actively trying to help others. Each time he enters a room he tries to learn how to protect his friends as quickly as possible. He actively sacrifices himself to help others. However he is never interested in doing it properly.

Frank is Chaotic Evil
- Frank is an old man who doesn't care anymore about living the proper life he has lived. He is at a point in his life that he wants to maximize his pleasures, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. He has been shown betraying his friends on numerous occasion, if it meant he got a laugh out of it. He even betrays Charlie numerous times, despite Charlie doing everything for him.