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Thread: The Last Jedi 2: The Next Last Jedi

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Last Jedi 2: The Next Last Jedi

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
    The obvious problem is that even in the new canon we have like a half a dozen other force users. Of them we already have one or two other prodigies who pick up powers with noted speed but that speed is also vastly slower than Rey. Ezra Bridger got to roughly where Luke Skywalker was as a knight in about half the time but it still took him many years and many more attempts to get there, and he had to make sacrifices to do it.

    Rey isn't Mozart. Mozart had struggles. His works at age five and six are simplistic and his tours were mostly novelty gigs. He didn't immediately trounce every other master of his day You can see the same thing with modern artists like say, Michael Jackson, who was a child star but only became famous as an adult because he worked until his feet bled to get good and had a large number of tragedies along the way.

    Rey is essentially a random homeless person who wanders into a concert hall, finds the Maestro's piano, and plays the way Mozart did in his twenties after about thirty seconds plinking at keys.
    Like I said, Abysmally written Shonen Fighting Anime. Like, worse then Fairy Tail or Dragonball GT at least.

    As for Psyren, look dude, I have watch him now literally sit there and argue one point from 1 position and then a couple of posts later argue the exact opposite point form the exact opposite position and try to claim it's consistent entirely and everyone else is the one falling short or merely offering opinions.

    And that is an observable, demonstrable fact for anyone who cares to just go to the start of the thread and start reading.

    As for Vice Admiral what's her name: On top of all of that, I seem to recall the bit with the first order being that they had simply detected the ships, and that being told about it was merely extra confirmation that it wasn't a ruse.

    Let's look at how the first order handled things up to that point, and imagine that the Mercenary didn't tell them anything. (Bad business to get a reputation for being bought out once an agreement is made while the other side are keeping up there half of the terms of said agreement, so, not impossible.)

    What happens in this slight change? The first order dectects the transports, and opts to shoot them because they'll figure it's an escape attempt.

    So no, her plan never had a chance of doing anything different than what we saw.

    Now let's look t Poe's plan.

    If they'd shown up with more money on hand, or something smallish and valuable they could offer as collateral to make sure he had more of his money up front and more reason to think they could get him the rest after the job was done, what happens?

    Maybe he still double crosses him. Maybe he's loyal. If the former the plan fails, if the latter, the plan succeeds. 50/50 shot at success.

    That's a HELL of a lot better odds then the 0 Vice Admiral what's her face is offering with her plan unless I completely miss heard the entire bit of dialog in the movie at that point.

    So, Poe's Plan has a 50% chance, Vice Admiral's Plan has 0% chance, but Vice Admiral won't even consider Poe's plan because it's Poe's Plan, even though strictly speaking in any real military organization she frankly has no business giving orders at that point, or a tenuous one at best, and she breaks every rule in The Art Of War about how a commander should behave toward there own troops over her knee and then sets it on fire.

    I submit: She's grossly incompetent and nearly get's the Resistance wiped out in that incompetence, but the movie does want us to treat her as credible anyway.

    Also, moving on, can we talk about what a total waste of time Phasma was?
    Last edited by Metahuman1; 2018-01-08 at 12:50 AM. Reason: Fixing a typo I noticed after the fact.
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