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Thread: The Last Jedi 2: The Next Last Jedi

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Last Jedi 2: The Next Last Jedi

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayngfet View Post
    Or maybe, and I'm going to just throw it out there...

    ...Finn and Rose use an actual parking lot, don't get thrown into a maximum security jail cell for a traffic ticket, get the actual guy they came there to get, he actually does the job properly, and they all win and go home for space waffles.

    Like they are explicitly told it's Maz and one other guy who can do it. Then they go in anyway with the first guy they meet even though he constantly throws up red flags. Then it's meant to be some kind of shocking betrayal that this random man off the street fails to do the thing the story already said he wouldn't be able to do and sells them out the way he'd been claiming he would the entire time.

    The story assumes he's another scoundrel like Han Solo, without establishing him having Han's hidden depths or heart of gold outside of literal minutes before his betrayal. Or else it assumes he's another guy like Lando who's shady but has a reason to be trusted, even though unlike Lando he doesn't have an "in" in the form of an existing friendship. He's just some dude who happened to be there.

    They never even learned the guys name. The audience didn't really have any reason to trust him beyond him just kind of being on the screen.
    Why not both?

    No, seriously, Maz is someone who apparently knows basically everyone, why doesn't Vice Admiral what's her face know and Trust Maz, and decide "Ok, go, will try it and keep mine as a back up plan." We cut that section of the movie down to a fraction of what we spent on it and have time to show Rey actually training and Luke telling her "You didn't realize it at the time but The Living Force walked you through most of that, and you got Lucky that Ren was in awful shape and taken off guard by you tapping the force like you did because that trick you lucked into, that you're having a hard time reproducing, normally requires a lot of training. If he had been in better shape at the time he would have rallied faster.

    If you hadn't taken him by surprise, he'd have still overwhelmed you. The Force was with you, and that's the only reason your here right now to learn how to handle yourself enough that next time you have a fighting chance of walking away on your own merit."

    Maybe even a bit more dialog to explain that the rules are changing because now the Force IS balanced.

    You fix most of the biggest flaws with the movie right there. Not all, but most.

    Edit: Yeah, but it fit there inclusivity goals, and if they'd dug in a bit more with her, we could have had something. Hell, you know what?

    Picture at the end of The Force Awakens. We know The first Order have melee weapons that can stand up to a Lightsaber for there troops now. What if Ren was just flat knocked out by the bow caster, Snoke orders What's His Face military guy to get Ren off the base and he does.

    When Rey and Finn are in the forest, it's Phasma with a melee weapon and armor that can stand up to a Lightsaber they have to fight as this Juggernaut. (I seem to recall the actress towering over both of them so she could be very imposing in that context.) She got out of the compactor. Have the fight be against her. Rey tapping the Force Under pressure is more convincing as a thing she shouldn't see coming that tips the fight in Rey's favor enough for them to get away, but Finn getting smacked down remains convincing. And when she shows back up in this movie she even has room to taunt Finn that his friends can't rescue him this time only for them to do so.

    Heck, there's even room for Finn to finish it solo with her in the next movie and have grown, and show that he's grown and can now stand on his own enough to handle his problems himself. Including Phasma.

    Complete waste of an Actress.
    Last edited by Metahuman1; 2018-01-08 at 01:20 AM.
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