Spoiler: Kresh's Warrant
Issued by order of Lieutenant Derin Kresh, 1436 FE.

This warrant grants the bearers free and safe passage throughout the City State of Senra, and all its territories. They are proven servants and friends of the city.

They act by my commission, and with the best interests of the city at heart. Answer any questions they may have, and provide assistance however you may. In all respects, imbue them with the authority of one with my own military rank.

It seems that the warrant is very much up to interpretation, but you would guess that it will hold power over anyone below Kresh in rank. When dealing with more important individuals, it remains to be seen whether they will comply.

You leave the barracks, braving the stifling crowds of the general compound once again. A pair of gnomish guards meet Brin at the door, wordlessly signalling for him to follow. The young demonspawn looks none too pleased, but goes with his head held high and a straight back. He gives you one last wave before vanishing into the throng. Your two companions gone, the going is quicker, but not by much. Once you have fought your way across the square, found the quartermaster's queue and waited in it, around twenty minutes have passed. The grey and black clouds hang over ahead, a reminder of the ongoing conflict.

When your party reaches it, the roof of the large, blue tent provides some measure of comfort, stifling the noise and giving you room to breath. Eight or nine tables have been pushed together to make a counter stretching from one end of the quartermaster's tent to the other, with a similar number of clerks in attendance. Behind this, many assistants scamper about, fetching all manner of supplies and equipment from crates, chests, barrels, and sacks. The light is dim, provided only by a handful of candles and that seeping through the flap.

Before long, an opening becomes available and a clerk at the far end of the counter waves you over. "What can I help you with?" she says slowly. A glum blue-eyed woman, young but with the disposition of advanced age.