
Behind the mask, Carla's eyes narrow. Hellknights are always trouble, and not the kind of trouble she normally cares to get involved with. In fact, her initial reaction to the call is to run for the hills - or any nearby alley - but she has learned long enough that with the law here, that is often a pure admission of guilt,and hellknights... well, as far as they were concerned, they pretty much are the law.

Plus, I'm with the guard now. That has to count for something. Except I'm not sure they'd believe me if I told them this, right now, passes through her mind, and she wills herself to appear confident. That, at least, the mask helps with.

Gavin's taking point in this situation is surprising, but not entirely unwelcome. If they could be persuaded to come, the Helknights could make a significant difference in case the Marshal was in trouble, and she'd much rather they were dealing with something important than butchering these wannabes. While Lamm and his pet demagogue - or more likely, demagogues - deserved a thousand deaths, for every one of them there would be a hundred or more stupid bastards who'd get roped in, used up, and hung out to dry. I'd know, she thinks.

She approached the scene, standing near Gavin, glowering at the fools. If they listened to him, it could still save their lives. "You heard the man. Weapons down, hands up. No funny business," she says with a clear menace in her voice, as her hand is on her weapon. If the Hellknights ask, he is a guard, they are with him, the getups... are not illegal, so screw it. Wait, did they have any proof of guard belonging on them? Vestis' attempt to steer the situation make her twitch. Gavin has already stated the way it was going to go, does she want to be in charge of everything? Oh wait. Nevermind."He's a guardsman. That's his business."

Spoiler: Actions: Intimidate to cow the gang
