Iselshera Elkian
1st Level Paladin

Issy, who had woken early and gone outside to run through forms with her flail, comes back into the room as they were discussing the plan. "Yeah. Let's take the cart. Find a place to hide it out there somewhere." She gestures out toward the unexplored expanse. "If we find a good enough hiding spot for it, we can use it as a staging area for supplies and whatnot. When we fill the cart, we can bring it back here for long-term storage." She pauses a few moments in thought, then continues.

"Are any of you particularly skilled at climbing? I'm not too bad at it...especially if I doff my armor first. Maybe we could pull the lift up, then climb down the side? Reduce the chance someone will stumble into our spot? Then we just climb back up and lower the lift when we get back? We may have to hire a guard or two at some point, but until we have more to guard.....this may be an idea."