Quote Originally Posted by Saambell View Post
On the note of more armies, we need a 5th faction of Eldar that isn't just "here's the three existing ones mashed together".
What, the Exodites? I wouldn't mind rules for them, but they would only really fight defensively in the fluff.

I'd rather see full rules for Chaos Guard instead. Also I'm really hope that they create a new 'Beast' for the Orks. It's a good time for it I feel, with the Tyranids super powering them. Then the Tyranids evolve a Primarch killer.

Basically I want a Primach equivalent for each major faction.

The Eldar have Yncarne

The Orks can have Thraka or a new character.

The Imperium has Guilliman and (maybe) the Lion or Russ?

Chaos has Magnus and Mortarion

The Tyranids need something, but have lots of room in the fluff. Maybe eating some Custodes will 'inspire' the Hive Mind.

The Necrons need something, and I have no idea what.

The Dark Eldar should have Vect. Bring him back and make him awesome!

The Tau aren't a major faction.