I look at these with a page out of Feat design - Having a feature - ribbon or otherwise - that is useful to someone who already has one or more of the listed benefits.

For the strength items, this is what I'm using:

Gauntlets of Ogre Power: Give attuned wearer Str 19; Unarmed strikes (Punches) do 1d4+str damage.
Belt of Giant Strength (Any): Doubles carrying capacity of attuned wearer. (I'd also allow the monk to deflect boulders, but I'm big on over-the-top cinematics).

As a point to all old editions, when these first appeared, there wasn't an easy way to raise attributes - multiple wishes were involved - so raising any attribute was a big deal (let's not discuss cavaliers). With automatic and open-ended stat-boosting (3-4), rising numbers were part of the equations. A certain amount of stat boosting was assumed (and could easily be exceeded by builds). That bit was deliberately left out here.

If you really think these things need a bit more oomph, an option I've seen here before* is having the items switch to a +2 for anyone of equal or greater ability. Outside the belts, everything here is a 19er - lowest standard rung from the numbers edition. Your item becomes a wearable ioun stone.

* - Apologies, I do not have the name or thread on hand.