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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why collaborative storytelling is a meaningless phrase

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    But I also understand that I "am not normal", and this makes it hard for me to write stories, as much as I'd like to. It's a deep challenge for me to write such that it doesn't feel artificial or even contrived.
    Dude, I love stories, writing any stories not just rpgs, and I struggle with that sometimes. there are cliches I hate, even if I like other ones. like in my pokemon fan fic, I'm trying to write a determined hero who uses more than just force to defeat her foes and try to get tricks of guile and tactics in there as well, sometimes I have to let the force happen if I can't come up with anything else so I can move on and go against the cliche in a place thats better and suited when I make it good, because I've found that often if you can't avoid a cliche, its best to just execute it well and with as much thought as possible so that when it happens things play out realistically or believably because of it.

    Edit: just realized after I posted this, it sounds like you like rational fiction. its a genre thats most common in sci-fi but is starting to spread through fan fiction. maybe go read some of those? its all about characters acting as smart as they can without any contrived stupidity.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2018-01-19 at 06:08 PM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".