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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Fluff Discussion XIV: The Emperor Floats Those Who Float Themselves

    You mean like these boys?

    BTW, I theorize that those are FC Hairgel and Sergeant Thaddeus doing their penance crusade. That way almost any ending in Retribution is possible while still having this moment.
    In fact, it makes it all the more meaningful because it means that the Blood Ravens made mistakes (as erring is human and all that) but are trying to make up for them. To me personally, it is the hidden story telling high point of the game, they transmit so much meaning in only 5 words.

    "None shall find us wanting." :'-)

    EDIT: to something different, I recently (and finally) got to play DOOM
    Now I know what a Champion of Korn feels like...

    EDIT2: For those who don't know already, a new podcast episode is up. Enjoy!
    Last edited by Platinius; 2018-01-22 at 02:15 PM.