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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Alias_Trench's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sydney NSW

    Default Re: The Forbidden Land of Sundara: Broken Sun IC

    The enormous creature Issachar polymorphed himself into was something of night terrors told to children to keep them on the straight and narrow by their parents but his experience to date had never been with one the size the wizard had chosen. The flight east and north was bumpy to say the least and Aurix after the first few lurches switched his stance to that of the Spider's dance, rather than his usual hunter's sense, favouring not falling from a great height rather than catching the scents on the wind. Still somewhat queasy and not trusting himself to talk lest his breakfast prefer to speak on his behalf on the long flight, Aurix continually scanned the land below, or what he could see of it, for signs of the inquisition, and higher up signs of their wayward companion Lethio and his companion Obaith.

    Spoiler: Spot
    Take 10 = 25
    Last edited by Alias_Trench; 2018-01-23 at 02:15 AM.
    "Trois choses ne peuvent pas être cachées ... le soleil, la lune, la vérité"

    Currently Playing - The Calm Before the Storm - OOC | IC
    Former Games - The Forbidden Land of Sundara: BROKEN SUN- OOC | IC
    The Forbidden Land of Sundara: INSURGENCY- OOC III | IC III