Peaceview Park

"No. Wait, yes. There's two mirrors. I see myself in both of them. It's not the same me. One shows me as I am now, one shows me as I was. About... One and a half metres tall, pale skin, bright orange hair, green eyes. My hair hasn't changed colour. The bird has perched on the mirror that shows the new me." Makuro's done more than grown; her skin has darkened, and her eyes have changed. "Old me is in a church, wearing a white robe. I'm singing the sad song I remember, and so are nine others, in the same robe. I think it's a funeral; I don't know whose. New me is... New me is running an assault course. I'm clinging to walls, jumping three metres, crawling on ceilings. I'm agile, fast. People are watching, and they aren't impressed. There's the lady with the glasses, and a man and a lady in suits. I'm doing inhuman things, and they see them and think I'm inferior. I... I don't want to see more." Nothing overly useful in either mirror; she knows what she looked like, and what she can now do. But no name, history or even very much context.