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    Troll in the Playground
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    Jun 2006
    Under Mt. Ebott

    Default Re: GrrlPower III: Crisis Of Infinite Filler Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki View Post
    Sciona, if you keep acting like little brat throwing a tantrum you will never be a respectable villain.

    Seriously, it's like she's trying to make Deus look good in comparison...
    But that is exactly what this sequence is about. Same as the one in the vault. Like, notice that this entire sequence starts because the narrative couldn't let the first thing anyone has done that was a minor bother to Deus (Sciona taking her ball and leaving while triggering the self-destruct) not be also a thing where Deus still "won".

    Sciona is not a threatening villain, and I have to assume she never was meant to be one. She seems to be here as another show of how outclassed the magical beings are in every department by the "modern people" and superheroes.
    Last edited by Drascin; 2018-01-25 at 03:28 PM.