Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post
There used to be contests in silly message board games where you could get forumite made badges.

The forum DID used to have contests on occasion where you could get a title change for a month, but I think they stopped doing them even before I joined.

Nowadays, the mods seem to barely have time to deal with the things they're supposed to, let alone extra stuff.
There were also contests in the Arts & Crafts section, such as Iron Avatarist and Iron Poet (and I think the Roleplaying section ran Iron Optimiser as well). These were all sign-up contests, though, and whatever you got from them was created by the people running the thread. For example, the people running Iron Avatarist drew little trophies for the winners, and I have a pair of those from back when which I'm a little proud of.

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post


It's almost like art...
And that almost-a-quarter-circle, truncated at the bottom in sublime defiance of all symmetry. Sadly, I can not account the third part, or I would have stood up and proclaimed it in reveration every time I saw this masterpiece.