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    Oct 2012
    In the Playground, duh.

    Default Re: Why collaborative storytelling is a meaningless phrase

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    Purple monkey dishwater down cheese sky mortification elk whipsaw bland, gorblepork.
    Clevvah, verr clevvah. Yu hav discvvri tah, wen u chagne lagnuga to teh ponti taht et ees ni langa usfel foar commnacat'n, tehr ees nu ponti. But that doesn't mean that language can't be changed in a way which allows people to communicate different concepts from you via the same words, which is happening in both the case of "Fast" and "Story" but for some reason we accept that it's okay for "Fast" (and other brilliant ones like "Sanctioned") but you don't accept that that's fine for people to use "Story" in a way that you, personally, are not familiar with. It doesn't stop people communicating with things that you don't recognise as having those definitions, hells, it doesn't stop me communicating with neologisms that I make up on the spot, something that I regularly do with people who have enough understanding of language for me to make a new one and for them to get what I mean.

    God, you must hate vernaculars and dialects.
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2018-01-26 at 05:14 PM.