Quote Originally Posted by Chromascope3D View Post
Dragon Ball's Cell Saga was almost entirely created by editorial meddling, and a lot of people (myself included) consider it to be the peak of the series.
Ah, yes. The Android/Cell Sagas were great because the characters spent so much time being thrown off-balance and having no idea what was going on.

"And so the story ends, with Goku becoming the legendary Super Saiyan and defeating Freeza, the strongest and most evil being in the universe."
"Okay, now write the continuation."
"...I am another Super Saiyan, from the future! Two Androids are coming who are stronger than Freeza!"
"These Androids look stupid"
"Wait, these aren't the Androids?! Oh no, they escaped and released the real Androids, plus a third Android we didn't even know about!"
"You can't have multiple villains at once, especially ones with as little motivation as these guys."
"Why is there another time machine and why is it covered in my blood? Oh God, what is that thing?! We have to protect the Androids from it!"
"This is taking too long. Have him absorb one of the Androids already."
"Behold, my Semi-Perfect form!"
"...I'm going to pretend that character design doesn't exist. Fix it. Right now."
"Hey Vegeta, I bet if I was perfect you couldn't beat me." "You're on."
"Say, when was the last time we had a tournament arc? Shonen audiences like tournament arcs."