The Shining City

As everyone had arrived and was settling in/talking, Max did a little quick fiddling with the wall panel to deploy snacks. From hidden wall tubes, little Roomba-like robots rolled in with snacks on their lids, rolling over to the table and lifting the food into place with thin, weak looking little robotic arms that extended out from their little circular bodies. A steady procession of the little robots filled the table and filed out of the room, adding what Max considered classic Earth snacks to the things Vodkana had brought. While they were admittedly not brimming with power, the snacks did range from chips/crisps to ice cream, from the realm of salty pretzels to sweet chocolate bars, from complicated confections like the in universe equivalent to a snickers, to the simple sugar rush provided by cotton candy. Of course, the drinks ran the range of alcoholic to carbonated, even including some simple fruit juices and water. Suffice to say, the drinks were cooled, and when the little roombas were done with their procession of food, one of the previously blank walls flipped around to reveal a well stocked bar and an automated bar tending robot. It was not a sapient machine intelligence (that would be torture), but it could prepare drinks and take verbal commands. It could also give high fives.

With food taken care of, between the snacks and what Vodkana brought, Max settled into one of the large, floofy seats and let out a, "Wooo, story time! If you have pictures we can project them if you want."