Quote Originally Posted by Amazon View Post
I agree, but can you get over and learn things while being forever young? It seems young people never learn from their own mistakes.
Well, to be honest, and I'm extrapolating here. But I'd wager that most of your experience is with people who are in universities. Who are missing the most important part of learning from their mistakes, serious consequences and responsibilities. I've known a lot of 20 year-olds who were more mature than most forty year-olds. Cause I knew 20 year-olds who might concievably die or get their friends killed if they didn't.

I've also known people who were working with families, who had to learn because they would be out on the streets if they didn't. And they learned better than some people I know who are much older.

So again, I don't think it's youth that's the factor that's making it into a problem, more like the consequences.