@Jannalor: The woman walks with you through the barely lit streets and lights another cigar while checking a spray painted sign on a wall.

"We should be fine here. Hawk Territory. We aren't far from the Bitter Coffee, but no need to go in there now.

Clarity and Lendra mentioned that man too. I had spoken to them several months before regarding him. Some new shadow that has stepped into The Mercy. That man goes by the name of Hathway. Very few warlords here have refused his call, and for good reason:

Hathway is said to be extremely deadly. Nobody who has faced him has survived. If he is a demon or some other inhuman creature, we don't know. The last son of a bitch I knew that sided with Hathway was Boss Sarjon, one of The Mercy's most ruthless warlords to date.

When Borazon, Archaidous, Nyx and several others took him down- and not an easy fight it was- they discovered Sarjon had been taking orders from a man named Hathway. His diary even mentioned fear towards the guy. An unknown who knew everyone of import in The Mercy.

A few months later, he manipulated The Rooster Gang to activate the Hellbore Tank and begin what could well have spelled the end for The Mercy. Those involved with the Roosters were dealt swift justice by a combined effort of several factions, including the Raptorans, who would rather not get involved with anyone from the ground.

Hathway was nowhere to be seen. I heard those that took down the tank had their work cut out for them because that same day, the Crimson Head Panic began. Now you're thinking:

Hathway is behind it all, right? We find him, kill him, and that's it.

That idea has been considered and tried. Several times. That man is skilled. None I know here has the abilities Hathway possesses and yet, although he could proclaim his rule over The Mercy, he does not, sending proxies to do his bidding.

It would be nice knowing that you have him figured out. Maybe if he pops up again, we can put him down permanently.""