Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
Just say you hate stuff.

It's ok. You can hate stuff.

But stop murdering my beloved language
I agree, I may be lowly scum who hates optimization, but I don't go around saying its meaningless. Optimization has meaning, I just hate the meaning it does have and wish I could play things without it screwing things up. Point is: If your going to hate something, be honest about it instead of going around being this jerk who tries to make things not mean anything, no one likes those people. Words have meaning, either agree to a meaning or acknowledge that there is no useful discussion to be had and just do something else. This goes for all words not just the ones here, there are a bunch of terms people think are meaningless these days just because they are overused and biased in opinion and that is wrong, they are not meaningless even if people use them inaccurately, and we should endeavor to acknowledge meaning beyond personal ones. Because if we only acknowledge personal meaning, there is no useful discussion.