Not Dnd but in the early 2000's when i was about 11 or 12, came across my dad's GURPS Basic Set can't remember if it was 1st or 2nd edition. asked him about it and he helped my siblings and I create some characters and run the CHYOA that was in the back of the book. Have been hooked sense

Remember the book having a lot of handwritten notes and edits in his handwritting to modify it to his old group's playstyle. Mostly dealing with character creation, the rules in the book were point buy based and he's much more of a roller which is where i get it from.

unfortunately i lost the book. Couple of my favorite rules were the ones to determine carrying capacity ( varying levels: none, light, medium, heavy, extra heavy but cant remember formulas) and learning spells (higher level spells required learning lower level ones; ex: to learn fireball you 1st had to have learned shape fire.