Sivarias: Oh man, I know that desire to overcorrect once you've messed up. For me, it works so well to forgive myself and just reboot with no dramatics. The past doesn't matter. What matters is what I do today and in the future, because those I can change. No need to atone or punish myself. Just course correct and keep going.
Absolutely true. Sivarias, self-shaming and self-flagellation are rotten feelings and even if you can use them as fuel to reach some short-term goals quickly, they will only lead you to bad places in the long run. Mistakes and bad times happen in any long-term project, you just need to accept that and move on. You can do it and, in fact, you're already doing it. That feeling is the fuel you need to actually accomplish things.

Incidentally, I've just had what I like to call a "carbs-only weekend". Whoops.