Spoiler: Responses
Quote Originally Posted by Tiadoppler View Post
Fighter: Why is the chair purple?
DM: Custom upholstery. Also, I had a purple sharpie.
Utilize what you got, although I love how PCs latch on to the most mundane things and wonder if there's more to it.

Quote Originally Posted by startrashh View Post
Valarr, our party's resident drow: "Call me Daddy one more time and I'm going back to the Underdark."
O.o This could be going in all sorts of odd directions.

Quote Originally Posted by Gideon Falcon View Post
Player b (OOC): So you can Hoot like a Barn Owl!
Acting skills are underrated.

Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
Call of Cthulhu one-shot.
It's Call of Cthulhu. If it lasted longer than a one-shot, then you have a forgiving GM.

Sniper: “Is Happy Hooves secretly the Pillsbury Doughboy?”
GM: “...I'll allow it.”

Rose: “To be fair, pepperoni barely qualifies as a meat.”

Brazen: “You seem to be under the impression that I’m going to come quietly.”
Rose: “Haha, come quietly.”
Sniper: “Stealth does allow for Extra Time and that can get you a +1. If the other side botches a check then you might get away with it. ...That sounds abominable in this context.”
Love: “I hear it's easier to stealth behind closed doors! It's not like the Commander is in the room with the two!”
Sniper: “Or is he???”

Sniper: “Given everything that's transpired it might be a good idea to show Wildcat that we're still on the job.”
Rose: “Pffft. We're on the job. We need to show that we're competent doing the job.”

Fashion Statement: “At my speed, your couch wouldn't survive impact.”
Doc: “Alright, but would YOU?!
Fashion Statement: “True beauty is never tarnished!” (*flips perfectly styled mane*) “You know what they say: if you can't take a supersonic chair to the face, then get out of the super hero business.”

Rose: “Oh Rose, it's not you... well, okay, it is you because you suck at landing dates with somepony who is not a psychopath.”

GM: “Sniper keeps mentioning a growing list of things that Polaris has to pay for. Should Red Tape start writing them down so that when you catch him you can read them off one by one?”
Red Tape: “Excellent shot, Sniper Scope. We’ve only got 143 items left to make him pay for. Aim for the nose this time. This next one’s a doozy.”

Sniper: “So... if anyone asks him how he got injured on the field, Sniper's going to say that he was hit by an IED.”