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    Titan in the Playground
    Fyraltari's Avatar

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    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Gobbotopia: Subjective or Objective? Alignment or Morality?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacuna Caster View Post
    I mean, in terms of life cycle they're pretty-much nextdoor to the Xenomorphs from the Aliens franchise. Nobody who'd seen their entire platoon, or most of their follow colonists, or their surrogate daughter, wiped out by chestbursting larvae is going to be especially sympathetic to the notion that a tiny minority of the creatures could be domesticated and harnessed for military purposes. They're going to start with the flamethrowers and work their way up to "Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure".
    A viewpoint surely shared by an elf who's just seen his house blown to bits and his children pinned to a tree too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
    And see how well that worked out for the Order of the Stick?

    I don't, as a rule of thumb, believe that evil creatures should be met with automatic violence, but there comes a point where your relative positions on the predator/prey chart necessitates that the burden of proof is on the superpredator to prove that theyre the exception, rather than on the prey proving theyre the norm.
    They never doubted the vampire was evil. the logic stays sounds.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2018-02-20 at 07:52 PM.
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