Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
Because Roy, Haley and Elan did not heed that advice.
How so? I don't recall Durkula making any overtly hostile move toward the Order before the Godsmoot?

The V/familicide analogy isn't really apt, I think, because there's nothing about being a black dragon which intrinsically required pinning V's children to a tree. She was just a jerk. Same thing with goblins and beholders and so forth- a lot of them might be jerks in practice, but in theory they could go around being goblins and beholders and secure all the necessities of life and never hurt a soul.

That's not true in the same way for mind flayers. Some very nasty behaviours are baked into them biologically, such that the most you can hope for is that they do very nasty things only to people who well and truly deserve it. And they're wicked smart and can spread like wildfire and can turn your head inside out with a look, and even if they give every appearance of being harmless for extended periods you can never be entirely sure it's not part of a larger ruse.