Before the Invasion

The Lotus Gardens - Sleepover

The lavender lady shakes her head and sighs, leaning her head against Cessie's legs a bit more. "No, I haven't. I abhor opening up so much to most people, but even if I didn' would be heresy." Jezebel comments, closing her eyes with yet another sigh. "I might not be a member of the Imperium anymore and I might have turned my back to its teachings even longer than that, but speaking of humanity, the soul, and a sense of more than a few areas that would just outright have you handed over to the Ecclesiarchy for punishment. I know that talking about this would be healthy, but the fear of doing so got rooted in deep for entirely too long of a time for me to just shrug it off so easily."

During The Invasion

Eastside - City Hall

Jezebel is about to comment, likely on normal invasion practices, when she's forced to grimace as lightning crackles around her head once more. She gives a growl when it is over, slamming a fist on the car in front of her out of anger. "WARP TAKE THEM!" She shouts. She's forced to use the car for support for a moment as she activates her comm implant once more. "This is Jezebel. All who are listening, start evacuation of the psykers and other warp-linked. Carry them through the tunnels. We will not be able to hold a large part of the city without them, so stand vigilant. Once they are out, start a general evacuation of the Gardens and surrounding areas. The psykers should awaken when they are outside of the area of influence, hopefully enough to stand guard." She turns off the comm with a frown, finally steady enough to let go of the car in time to see the pack of demonic hounds. "They've cut off the Warp again. Most of my forces are useless now." Jezebel explains to the others.

Jezebel readies her Melta after that, stepping around the car to get directly into the path of the hounds. Her weapon's range wasn't the greatest so she was forced to wait as Adir's storm bolter rang through the air. It fires twin streams of thumb-sized shells, each one with an explosive payload. The moment they impact flesh or terrain, the miniature grenades explode to tear great chunks out of whatever they hit. Even with Adir's great strength however he might have a little trouble controlling the recoil with one hand and it is just a matter of seconds before he runs out of ammunition in his current magazine if he isn't careful. If any of the hounds make it through his barrage, they'll be met with a ten meter lance of super-heated plasma as Jezebel's own weapon lets out a scream.

She makes a mental note to chastise Adir for his lack of fire control if he has to end up reloading. Bolt shells were expensive after all.

The Lotus Gardens - Zenon

The receptionist tilts her head in thought for a moment before simply dashing forward with blurring speed, her right hand twisted into a terrible razor-edged talon as she swipes at his abdomen. What he had said sounded quite a bit like admitting to spying upon the Gardens in a time of conflict, and that wasn't going to be taken well. However, whether to attack hits or not, afterwards she's left dizzy and disoriented as violet electricity crackles around her head when she's suddenly cut off from The Warp once more. She's not the only one either.

In the cathedral there are shouts for assistance and aid as others begin to convulse and pass out, their source of power cut off once again, but another figure begins flying up towards the hole the receptionist made in the ceiling. This one has no taste of Warp to her and is simply using a pair of wings to fly. She wouldn't arrive instantly, so Zenon still has a chance to react before the newcomer interrupts.

Eastside Border - Sarah & Co.

Sarah roars in agony as her tendrils are burned, but before they can be burned through completely she attempts to dig the talons into the demon's neck to try and sever any large blood vessels there are. They are burned through shortly after however, resulting her clutching the writhing stumps with her hand to try and stop the bleeding. Both the burning demon and the sword one however need to be cautious for it only takes a moment for Eric to brace his weapon against the ground and pull the trigger. The spray of bolter shells is wild and inaccurate, but at that range it is more than likely that both demons will be pelted with several of them as the heavy bolter roars. He isn't mobile so he's somewhat vulnerable to attacks, but anyone wanting to do so will have to get through the gunfire to do so.

The doll is hit by another lightning bolt when she touches the ground, blasting her against it, but she simply smiles despite the charring flesh and burned porcelain. She's damage but seems to just revel in it, so she takes another leap into the air, aiming to wound a different demon than the one she'd already struck. Her claw is aimed for the gut of the closest one as she seeks to disembowel it.