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Thread: Riverside 19

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my head

    Default Re: Riverside 19

    The Lotus Gardens - Zenon

    Zenon blurs as the receptionist swipes at him, hopping back and to one side as the talon misses him by the slimmest of margins. He continues to grin at Annah, folding his arms over his chest as she's struck by the disorientation of losing contact with the Warp, though he makes no move to counterattack or take advantage of her sudden handicap.

    "Not terribly friendly, are we? Perhaps your friend is a bit more personable," he says, with more than a hint of smugness. He eyes the floor where the newcomer is headed, and simply waits. He was told to keep things quiet, and without access to her power source in the Warp, the receptionist is most likely of little threat, at least, compared to her inbound comrade. No need to eliminate her yet, though. She could prove useful in many ways.
    Last edited by Nova_Eclipse; 2018-02-23 at 10:57 PM.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?