Warlock: So, what toys did Lolth play with when she was a baby?
DM: Ummmmm. Like, a plush spider?
Warlock: Yeah, a big blue one!
Wizard: Hey kids! Let's all count to eight!

Monk: (Monk) swings down the rope, like the pirate she knows she is, in her heart.
Barbarian: (Barbarian) pirate too! Geronimo! I jump off the cliff.
Wizard: Feather Fall.

Monk: I tie the rope around (Wizard)'s midsection, with a big bow on top.
Wizard: I double-check the rope and knots.
DM: (Wizard), you are securely tied up.
Sorcerer: Whoa, is it bondage time again? It's not even a Sunday.
Monk: (Monk) sits on (Wizard)-
Sorcerer: Oh!
Monk: -to fend him off the sharp rocks of the cliff.
Sorcerer: Ohhhhh... Sure.

DM: *dice roll on mishap chart* Alright, (Wizard) the rope starts to slip backwards towards your hindquarters as you swing in mid-air. This makes you tilt forward until your head is pointing straight down.
Wizard: Aughh! I don't like this. I start waving my legs around wildly. Help!
Paladin: So, (Monk)'s now standing on his bottom?

DM: You notice that the rope is starting to fray where it's going over the sharp rocks at the edge of the cliff.
Paladin: Uh oh.
DM: It's still secure at the moment, but if you pull too hard it may snap.
Fighter: All right. *roll* Total of 20.
DM: Great. (Wizard) and (Monk) are now 40' up.
Barbarian: *rolls, sighs, looks around at table* (Barbarian) pull you up super fast, friend (Wizard)! *shows dice*
DM: The rope snaps.
Wizard: Feather Fall.