Quote Originally Posted by bc56 View Post
In Transit
An intercom crackles before starting. "This is your starship speaking. We are en route to Quietus. We are currently travelling at 2.19 kilocees. The flight will take approximately 5 hours, barring delay. There will be a briefing in three hours. Until then, there are refreshments in the forward storage locker. Please relax and enjoy the flight."

For anyone interested in the math, 2.19 kilocees is 2190 times the speed of light (which would be very fast for a vessel of this size.) The destination is around 50 light-years away, which is relatively nearby in space.
In Transit

Barring delay, you say?!

Well. Not so much a delaaaaay, as just an oddity.
In one of the quiet rooms back near the engines -- probably more a maintenance closet than a real room or anything --, someone presumably in charge of keeping the engines up and running probably notices something odd.
Looks like a fairly large coil of . . . rope? But it's a space ship, not an old time-y ship!
The room is really dark, but further inspection through the camera definitely shows that it's faaaar too large to just be rope. It's about a good foot, foot and a half wide, and in quiiite large a coil.
It's dark though, so it'd be a guess as to the color of the 'rope'. But it does look almost metallic-y.

How did that even get there. Huh.
A myyyysterrryyyyy.