Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
I'd love it if the new continuity did meaningfully go back and five us stories that are recognisably different. But I expect that won't happen, won't sell enough Rey figures or X-wings.
I don't understand Disney's aversion to producing new designs all of a sudden. The market has shown that Star Wars fans like to buy new cool designs and that you can make lots of money that way. SWTOR's Cartel Market is still making a pile of cash churning out all sorts of new variable armor designs and trawling the legends continuity to produce armor sets for every conceivable character they possibly can for you to buy.

The central Star Wars aesthetic is fairly flexible and people will buy pretty much anything cool that gets churned out. And the toy market is full of collectors, meaning successful adults with disposable income who will buy one of every X-thing to put on a shelf in their house. Making money off those people means churning out more product, not rehashing existing things.