This was funny to me at least. It's pretty long, so I'll put it in a spoiler.

Spoiler: The Story
The Important Party Members:
Orryn, the pyromaniac gnome wizard
Roland, the half-elf bard
Ghesh, the dragonborn paladin

So, my group was playing the Hoard Of The Dragon Queen, and we had just left Greenest, and Orryn started tracking the Kobolds and Cyanwrath. We eventually came to a valley where 4 cultists and 8 kobolds were cooking food. Now, what Orryn's player means by "pyromaniac" is that whenever Orryn sees fire, he immediately runs toward it and starts making it bigger, no matter what. I know this, having seen it at Greenest, so I immediately say, "I put Orryn in a full nelson." Not the best playing, I know, but it's the first thing I thought of. So, we do opposed Strength checks, which I easily win due to a +5 Strength modifier. So, now Ghesh has Orryn in a full nelson. Guess who decides to cast Charm Person on me? That's right, Roland. He apparently thinks Charm Person means "Enslave Person". We explain that that's not how it works to him, but he's unfazed, proclaiming that he will roll persuasion to get me to stop. He has a +8 to persuasion, so I get ready for Orryn to run to the fire. He rolls, and says, "16 total." I say that I'll roll a Wisdom saving throw against that, because that makes sense. I have a +3 to Wisdom, so I still am expecting to fail. I roll, and proudly say, "16!" So, I don't let Orryn go. Then, I have an idea. Ghesh leans down to Orryn, who's kicking Ghesh in a rather...shall we say, uncomfortable area. He says into Orryn's ear, "Do you want the fire?" Orryn doesn't listen. More forcefully this time: "Do you want the fire?!" Orryn nods, still kicking. I then throw him at the group around the fire. The rest of the party has been goofing off, and so has no idea what's happening when the DM says, "Initiative!" Those of us who were actually playing D&D roll.
Ghesh: "6."
Orryn: "5."
Roland: "...3."
Well, crap. This'll be fun. That's when we ended the session. I'm morbidly excited for next session.