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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragon Ball Super II: Orange Hillbilly Dooms World... Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas View Post
    Just thought of something that might be funny: what if it turns out that Zeno's a total glass cannon? Ultimate offensive power, can erase all of existence if he wants to and automatically wins any fight where he gets the first blow, but no clue how to defend himself, no knowledge of how to actually fight, and no special durability, so any decent fighter who surprises him could take him out in one shot. And no one knows because no one's ever dared to try, or possibly his bodyguards intercepted anyone who did.
    Thats my current headcanon, yes. Whis did outright say he is NOT a fighter and from Dyspo fights its shown Zen-Oh cannot keep up with the action when its so fast. Meaning? anyone who can speed blitz Zen-Oh can just kill him in one hit. Hit could probably take him out easy. Of course, the GRAND PRIEST is either one of the top five best fighters or THE best fighter in all of reality depending on the canon you go with, and supposedly is invested in Zen-Oh's continued existence. So, you'd have to figure out how to distract him long enough to pull it off, so it might be a two-person job to assassinate the Omni-King.

    I'll comment on the new episode when Crunchyroll stops erroring at me. And lets me watch the episode.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2018-03-03 at 10:14 PM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".