((Waiting on Zefir for Alice/Fel/Cass/AMEN scene))

[Lotus Garden Border - Mayor]
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
Something strange was going on here. What had just happened?
It takes a moment for the soldiers to realize that the field was back up, that must have caused it, right?
It looked like it might have killed the creature, possibly. They couldn't be sure but it seemed incapacitated for now. Therefore, the legion returns to patrolling the skies and the pit soldiers turn their attention to the damaged infernal. It looked like it would need some repairs.

Setting it in another mode might help things, and the time for fear-tactics was over anyway. Time to be more effective...

As for the last dragon, it looks like the pit soldier that caught it is about to break its neck when it is stopped by the soldier with the fire cage on its back. It hands it over and the demon will put it in the cage where it will find itself oddly comfortable, despite being inside a cage that is literary on fire.
The demon has captured a little dragon! It races around the cage in a fright. Even though it's comfortable, it doesn't want to be trapped!
It gives up on this activity after a couple of seconds and curls up. It's very cozy here.

[Lotus Gardens Border - Omiko]
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
The pit soldiers don't appear to keen on following Ilpholin down into the sewers, nor are they interested in approaching an area completely cover in silver. Instead, they start to retreat.
Well, expect one of them who approaches Omiko and attempts to pull her out from the silver-covered area. If this is successful, it then attempts to remove the silver, the demons armor evidently protecting it from the metals effects. "Are you dead?" The demon asks.
The demon shouldn't have any trouble pulling the cabon away from the sinkhole and any surrounding silver fragments. Probably he won't be able to do any better at removing the silver from her wounds than her integument is already doing. Probably he will get covered in blood. How does one normal-sized person have so much blood to lose? Still, very thoughtful o him to include her in the retreat.
One of the mouths on her remaining arm speaks up. "Not dead. Just shocked." It's a distinctly different voice from when she speaks normally.
Her flesh ripples and erupts with chitin as repairs are made. One by one the shards are removed, the punctures and tears sealed up, and the extra eyes and mouths and weaving insect legs migrate up her body to the remaining injuries.

[Attempting to enter Riverside] - Angels
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
As the angels seem contained, the remaining legions simply disperse, moving to join the other skirmishes.
The two escaped angels make their flight into the city, open a manhole cover, and squeeze down into the western sewers.