Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
There's a reason a lot of people don't try Wild, I think.

They don't have any/many Wild cards. At least, I don't.
The amount of synergy in wild cards is too damn high I think. Even aggro games go to turn 7 or 8 in standard. But you can die as early as turn 4 with wild. Goblin and Gnomes cards are just way too OP. Secret synergy in Paladin is crazy and the upcoming Giants Warlock stomps the rest out.

So a Brawl that forces me to play Wild is a Brawl that essentially boils down to "Here, play with the same cards/decks you always do and get memed on by people who've been playing longer and have a stockpile of obsolete cards".

Fun. /s
It's not the stockpile of cards. I have every relevant card and you simply can't play what "you feel like is good". It has to be the absolute tip top optimised stuff.