
No one seemed to be following. That was good. Or the shapeshifter was following but had shifted into something particularly silent. That would be bad. If there was one disadvantage Ilpholin most worried about down here, it would be how efficient the cabon would be able to hunt. An unknown. For now, she continues deeper and deeper into the labyrinth only seeking to avoid dead ends and create distance.

But eventually she has to slow and consider what her next move has to be. What were the priorities? Kill all the demons obviously. One at a time was too slow. They'd get to run when they realized their folly. Could the entire city be turned into a death trap for everything inside? Maybe, but not the way things were now. Getting to the source and stabbing them there seemed the best bet. And she was almost certain their source was in the clouds. She needs some way to fly up there without getting shot down. To that end... Cessie? She could be anywhere by now. Malechenar might have something. As good a plan as any. Short of luring demons down here and offing them a few at a time. Which is still something she'll have to do as she works towards Northside.

Mostly she'll just be reorienting herself and figuring out her own position at the moment. Nothing terribly exciting or important.