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Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
[Attempting to enter Riverside] - Felandria and Alice & Cassandra

Hmm. The mysterious newcomer didn't seem to get it. Or, one supposes, the lightning is going to do something fairly surprising.
((Post confusion! Alice is still going to say this for Fel's benefit.))
"These are decoys; push past them towards the tanks and focus on the second wave."

With the AMEN tanks scattering in response to the lightning gun, she has no trouble blocking the disorganized fire in the second volley. She notes unhappily that the barrier is back up, which brings her a whole list of error messages. Lost signal from DMside, Serromachinery in slow mode, Deep sea unavailable, Lost signal from VIGIL, Battery level decreasing... It'll be fine. She doesn't need any of that...at the moment.

Alice will run as fast as she can without leaving Felandria behind. Although the swarms are visually annoying, they aren't doing much to slow the VIGIL members down except being a distraction.

((I suspect the tanks probably can't use their full range without the city and Wildside's trees getting in the way. And the VIGIL/MERC people are getting closer and closer, admittedly at a reasonable speed.))
Quote Originally Posted by Ashen Lilies View Post
[Attempting to Enter Riverside] - Cass, Felandria, Alice

The cloaked newcomer seems to nod as Alice identifies the incoming swarms as being illusory, preparing a counterspell of her own. Not to dismiss the illusions - now correctly identified, they're little more than distractions, and destroying them would be a wasted effort. But if there are illusions blocking their way, they must have been cast from somewhere, and Cass weaves a Trace over the nearest illusion, trying to see if she can pinpoint the source.
Quote Originally Posted by Felandria View Post
Attempting to enter Riverside - Felandria, Alice and Cassandra

Fel's shots with her Lightning Gun should be hitting at least a couple of the tanks, they being metal and all, but the effect is apparently not quite what Fel had hoped.

She holsters the gun and starts running with Alice, staying slightly behind her primarily not to accidentally smash her, once she gets close enough, she intends to make a running leap and try to smash a few of the tanks.
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
Attempting to enter Riverside - Felandria, Alice and Cassandra

As Cassandra attempts to detect the source of the illusion, she can suddenly feel a presence. However, it seems to be able to feel her as well and for a moment she can tell that something looks right at her.

Then the legion illusion suddenly disappears as whatever was creating and controlling it cuts the link. Cassandra, in the brief glimpse she got, can tell that whatever was the source of the illusion, is located in the clouds above them somewhere.
Now only one legion remains and it appears to be focusing in on Alice, the marbels are flying straight at her, attempting to pierce her shield with their own bodies, delivering energy charges every time they impact her shields.

[Outside the Drill Tank]

"So the disruption field is back up? I expect to be informed about that any minute then." Itholos remarks. "You should ask Ishmat over there to keep up your communications. She could use those eyes of hers to let you communicate to your soldiers." He gestures at the ethereal overlooking the the many displays of Riverside.

They turn to Zefir and bows deeply. "That's what they pay me for, yes. So how may I be of service? I am yours to command."
Quote Originally Posted by Ashen Lilies View Post
Attempting to enter Riverside - Felandria, Alice, Cass, ...Electra?

Cassandra stumbles as the demonic presence turns its gaze towards her, tumbling to her knees as she pitches over. Anyone who takes a look back would find her leaning heavily on all fours, arms shaking and back heaving as she stares at the ground behind her mask and hood, clawed fingers tightly digging into the grass and dirt. But with the tanks and demonic swarms presenting a much more pressing threat requiring attention, probably not, though she won't be of any help against those in any case.

Attempting to enter Riverside - Felandria, Alice, Cass

((Currently I'm not sure where we are. I thought we are in the newly freed area between old Northside and Wildside. So there are less or no buildings/Objects?
As for the 'Lightning Gun' I ask again. What does it do? I don't think I can react in the way you want because I understand that weapon differently.
The tanks have a maximum range of 3-4 km, I say they have around 1-2 kmat that moment. I just want everyone to have the same information.))

A tank is smashed by Felandria as it appears they aren't causing them to slow down. They have after all scattered far enougth from each other to prevent Felandria from hitting more then one. Most of the tanks move away from the city, for obviouse reasons. A giant lady can move faster through a city and their weapons work best on range. But since they jumped into the tank squad around half of them can fire, but now they attack from all around Felandria. (1 down 2 underground 4 need to move, 5 can shoot)

[Outside the Drill Tank]

Zefir goes to the eteral beeing looking a bit mad.

"Show me all of the AMEN members, especially the tank unit I sended north. Would they be able to speak to us as well through the eye?"


Without having any connection to the outside world, two robots will approch from DMside heading to eastside unless they got stoped by anything.