Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
I don't know why everyone is so tied up in the idea that there aren't consequences for your actions. Why can't it just be that your soul goes to whoever you sold it to after you die? People seem convinced that there must be some sort of happy ending for their PC, but I don't see why that necessarily has to be the case if you willingly sold your character's soul to a known evil entity. Just because you sold your soul to 6 evil guys instead of 1 doesn't make the end result any happier.

If you don't want your PC to have an unhappy ending, maybe just don't sell their soul for crappy mid-tier artifacts that you probably don't even need.
Its not that people don't want their souls to be claimed, its that a typical character who completes the main quest, both the DLC main quests, and a couple guild lines typically has about 4-5 claimants to their soul, which is extremely odd when you consider that many of these claimants know who you are before offering their deal. Lets say I'm an Argonian thief. Do I go to Akatosh, or the Hist, or Nocturnal, or Sovngard or Hermaeus Mora? If I join the companions too, does Hircine get my soul, or does he get into a fight with Akatosh, Nocturnal and Mora over it? If I became a Vampire instead, does that mean Molag Bal joins the fray? Will Shor send somebody to make sure I'm still free to go to Sovngard if I want to?