So, I started on this rabbit hole when someone mentioned Isakai subgenre fantasy. I'd never heard that term before, so I did a quick Google of it. Naturally, I came across a lot of different fantasy anime character designs, some of which looked pretty cool, some that were... eh. The general pattern seemed to be that spellcasters looked sort of uninspired in their character design, usually having a robe or a cloak with a weird stick. Sometimes a hat too. Maybe it's just that the armor, weapons, and accessories that other fantasy character types have adds a little more interest.

This doesn't seem to be unique to anime either. I can't honestly recall when I last saw an illustration of a spellcaster and thought, "Wow, cool character design!"

Personally, I blame it on the fact that I haven't been exposed to the right media more than anything else, so what are y'all's favorite spellcasters character design-wise?