Damn, guys, awesome progress all around! AMFV, I second the bear thing and I kinda want you in front with the Paladin at my next dungeon crawl

Here on the candy-free side of things, I noticed something interesting. I cracked last Friday because I was flu sick and exhausted and I pulled out a box of chocolates... and ate four pieces before I genuinely didn't want any more. I also haven't really gorged on anything else. Just two months back, I'd regularly eat an entire pizza and then candy afterwards. Now even the pizza is too much. I'm also spending much less money on groceries. Candy is expensive, y'all.

I have no idea how the weight loss is coming along, if at all. I seem to have lost all memory of how my pants fit back in January, except for things that are still true (like "these are the tightest ones"), and the mirror is not reliable. That's kinda frustrating and makes me feel stuck. I'm debating with myself about whether to buy scales, but it's still kinda emotionally complicated.

But still, the appetite regulation is such a huge win that the weight stuff is almost inconsequential.