Quote Originally Posted by Cozzer View Post
If you do buy it, I highly suggest using some sort of mathematical thingy to compute your moving average each day, instead of simple weight (it just takes a few seconds, honest!).
It really helped me on the emotional side of things, since I can completely ignore the wild swings weight tends to have on its own, and keep my eyes on the fact that I'm actually, gradually, slowly improving. (It's a simple method I read in a book called Hacker's Diet, I can give more info if anybody's interested).
I second this! I do something similar with excel on my own to help with the swingyness of weight in general based on water retention and other random things. This would also help because (I'm assuming) you're biologically a girl right? Your cycle can drastically effect weight. Some women see weight change of up to 10lbs or more just based on their cycle. So a moving average helps you not feel like **** when hormones make you retain more water and gain weight during ovulation (I think it's ovulation. Like 90% sure. It's the week before shark week anyway).

That's my 2 cents glassmouse.